Good Morning,
This morning we have received reports from residents in North Herefordshire of a white male aged mid 20's, he spoke with a Middlesburgh accent and was wearing a blue top and shorts, carrying a large black holdall calling door to door attempting to sell household goods. He has been located by Police and told to leave the area.
Traders who sell goods door to door must possess a Pedlar's Certificate issued by the Police, except for cold callers offering services like home maintenance work. Please note that a Pedlar's Certificate does not guarantee legitimacy.
Our advice is to always politely decline by saying "No thank you – please leave" and promptly close the door. If the trader refuses to leave, inform them that you will contact Police and Trading Standards. If you feel genuinely threatened or in danger, contact the Police via tel 101 or dial 999 in an emergency.
Attached is an advice leaflet about dealing with cold callers - in short 'if you're not sure, don't open the door'!