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Talk Community Newsletter 23 May24


Join Herefordshire Council's Webinar on Climate Adaptation

As climate change brings more intense and frequent extreme weather events, such as flooding and heatwaves, adaptation becomes crucial. Herefordshire Council, in partnership with Sustainability West Midlands, has developed the county's first Adaptation Plan.

Town and Parish Councils, Public and Private Sector Enterprises, Community Groups and Leaders are invited to attend a webinar to find out more about the plan, get the opportunity to engage with experts, gain insights, and discover how to work together to reduce the detrimental impacts of climate change on our communities.

The webinar is on Friday 14th June, 11am – 12pm. Tickets are free, and can be reserved via Eventbrite.

Refresh your Mental Health First Aid skills with a free course

Are you an Orange Button wearer, Health Champion, or someone whose MHFA certificate is pre September 2022? Now is the time to refresh your skills with a four-hour refresher course. Valued at £150, but available for free to people who have previously completed the Adult MHFA course (bargain!), this interactive, face-to-face session will help you stay confident and effective in your role as a mental health first aider. Spaces are limited, so book while you can.

The course will take place on Friday 14th June at The Old Library Centre, Droitwich.

More information and tickets can be found on the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Wellbeing and Recovery College website.

Keep on walking….into June

With just one full week until we wave goodbye to the month of May, here’s your reminder that it’s National Walking Month. Walking is a great way to stay active and boost your wellbeing; it’s free and an exercise that can be enjoyed at your own pace.

As we stride into June, why not keep up the pace and try a free five week Nordic Walking course in Hereford? Find out more on the Talk Community Directory.

Leominster Warm Welcome this Friday

Talk Community, together with partners will be at the Leominster Community Centre this Friday, 24th May for the regular Leominster Warm Welcome between 11am-2pm. Pop by for a cuppa and a friendly chat,  access information and advice, or see the Talk Wellbeing team for a heart health check (we’ll get the kettle on).

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