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Talk Community Newsletter 26.1.25

Energy Savers Week 20 – 26 January 2025

This week is Energy Savers Week. It is opportunity to support individuals to reduce energy use and save money on their energy bills.  The Energy Saving Trust have teamed up with Citizens Advice to compile a useful checklist of home heating tips, to help people stay warm and spend less. Visit the Energy Saving Trust website to explore top tips on energy saving!

Herefordshire residents can contact Keep Herefordshire Warm for free energy saving advice. The advice ranges from simple changes you can make, to helping you access grants for insulation or heating. Discover more of the support available to Herefordshire residents struggling with the cost of living in the full Energy Savers Week article on the Talk Community Directory.

Free Training Sessions: Tackling Domestic Abuse

Hereford Community Safety Partnership is working with Martin Lakeman (Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding Consultant), Herefordshire Public Health, and the Herefordshire, Ludlow and North Shropshire College in raising awareness around the devastating impact of domestic abuse through the #CutItOut initiative.

Free training is being offered to professionals working in any sector, as well as members of the public. The training aims to help people to recognise the signs of domestic abuse, whilst raising awareness of where they can signpost family members, friends, colleagues or clients to get help, and importantly give professionals the confidence to start that difficult conversation.

There are a number of free training sessions being held at Hereford Town Hall throughout February and March. For more information or to book your place, please visit the Eventbrite page.

WOW Grant now open (bring warmth and wellbeing to your community)

As part of the Household Support Fund, applications are open for the WOW Grant. The aim of the WOW Grant is to enable organisations to provide a warm, welcoming space with activities, provide a meal and a drink to residents and offer signposting and information to anyone struggling with the cost of living.

The sessions should be free of charge and open to everyone, with the aim of supporting anyone feeling the pinch this winter. This could be a pensioner’s lunch with board games, a family circus session followed by hot meal, whatever meets the need of your community in these difficult times.  

If your organisation runs community activities, we are inviting you to extend your current offer, to bring warmth and wellbeing to your community.

Visit the Talk Community Directory for more information and details of how to apply.

Preventative Support Grant

Talk Community is inviting community organisations to apply for a grant of up to £2,000 to support activities aimed at preventing vulnerable residents from falling into financial crisis and improving their overall wellbeing.

The Preventative Support Grant can be used for a range of interventions that address local poverty and build resilience. This might include staff training, money advice sessions, and bespoke support for financially vulnerable residents.

All applications must be received by Sunday 9th February. For more information, or to apply please visit the Talk Community Directory.

Are you interested in leading a walk in your local area?

The Healthy Lifestyle Service at Talk Community are offering free Walk Leader training for anyone who is interested in leading a short, accessible walk in their local community.

The training is delivered under the Ramblers Wellbeing Walks framework. The walks provide an important community resource to anyone looking to get, or stay active and connect with others in their local area. There are already several walks taking place around Herefordshire; come along to learn more about the role of a Walk Leader, and to see for yourself how beneficial these walks are!

Find details of your nearest walk on the Talk Community Directory or contact the Healthy Lifestyle Service on 01432 383567, or email

Have your say on pharmacy services in Herefordshire

We need your help to understand how well pharmacy services meet the needs of people living and working in Herefordshire. The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment survey is open, and is looking to identify gaps in the current provision and shape future improvements. You can take part in the survey online on the Worcestershire County Council website, or pick up a paper survey at your local library before the deadline on 31st January 2025.

Important Website Reminder

Just a quick reminder that our website has decided to be a bit temperamental lately (technology, eh?). While we’re busy fixing things, you can still find all our fantastic resources using our old URL: (if this doesn't work, you may need to clear you browser's cache).

If you need to reach us directly, drop us an email at:

What's new on the directory? 

If you run a community group, provide an essential service, or host local events, you can reach a new audience by showcasing what you have to offer on our directory. Simply go to the Services and Groups or What's On page, and click the green 'Add an Event' or 'Add a Service/Group' button!

Here's what's new on the directory this week:Leominster wellness club


Have you heard of Shared Lives?

Our Lives get better when they’re shared

Herefordshire Shared Lives is a Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered service provided by Herefordshire Council.  Shared Lives is a highly personalised form of care that supports people with a wide range of needs to live and stay safely and comfortably in a home and community of their choice. Care and support are provided by assessed and approved Shared Lives carers - who may be individuals, couples, or families - in their homes and as part of their friends, family and local community networks.

For more information and stories visit the Shared Lives webpage


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