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What’s almost certain is that during the school holidays, they’ll be going online much more than in term time … for entertainment, keeping in contact and chatting with their mates, gaming, and the multitude of other things kids use the internet for.  

With all the additional time spent doing more online, how can you be sure that the young people in your family are safe from the issues they can encounter every day? 

The internet lets children connect with friends and learn new things. But there are also dangers to going online, and children can be particularly vulnerable.

Talking to your child is one of the best ways to keep them safe online. By understanding the risks, and keeping yourself up-to-date on the latest technology, websites and social networks you can help your child enjoy the internet safely and securely.

To help protect your children online:•    keep computers and games consoles in family rooms where you can monitor activity•    install parental control software or activate parental controls through your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to prevent access to inappropriate content•    ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ your child on social networks, so you can see how they're using them•    check age restrictions for websites or social networks to make sure your children are allowed to join•    advise your child not to post personal information or any images they wouldn’t want everyone to see•    check their social media accounts’ privacy settings, so their posts are only seen by friends and their location isn’t tracked•    avoid using webcams, unless talking to close friends or family, and consider covering it when not in use•    monitor how your children use the internet and watch for any secretive behaviour •    encourage your child to be open about what they do online, and who they’re talking to•    insist you go with them if they wish to meet online friends face to face•    ensure the games your children play online are age appropriate


Take Five to Stop Fraud

STOP: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe. CHALLENGE: Could it be fake? It’s OK to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you. PROTECT: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud


•    Avoid disclosing security details

•    Emails, Phone Calls and Texts may not be authentic

•    Always make direct contact with any organisation by using a genuine phone number 

•    Stop and Challenge any unexpected requests

•    Protect others by reporting Fraud and Scams

If you’ve fallen for a scam, report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or via

Scam Text messages can be forwarded to 7726 to help phone providers take early action and block numbers that generate spam on their networks.

Forward Fake Emails received to

If you think your bank account or personal banking details have been used fraudulently, then use the short phone number - 159 - to contact the Fraud Prevention Department of most major UK banks

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